You can be an OML loan agent without any Security deposit or investment. OML is the only online platform that serves loan agents currently.
Explore Features
OML is the only online platform that serves you loan throght loan agents from your city.
Agent Dashboard
For statistics of data dashboard is avaiable through which agent can track total loan leads, received, in process, completed and rejected loan leads along with that agent can view the list of recently viewed loan leads.
CMS for Website
Agents will get content management system (CMS) for maintaining their own website, agents will be able to update all the pages liks home page, about us, testimonial, etc. along with that agent will get feature to update SEO fields in order to fullfil search engine optimization points.
Loan Leads
You will get the loan leads from all India, many of our current metro city agents getting loan leads from there cities, along with loan lead you will get all the information of borrower which is relevant in order to proceed loan for the further loan process.
Lead Management
Once loan lead is received from portal agent will be able to manage loan lead by checking all the relevant information received from borrower, agent can update loan status and add the comment to it so that while tracking loan status borrower will get all the information.
Using these feature agent can communicate with the borrower rgarding loan application or ask for the documents, also the borrower can ask for the queries with the agent or can discuss the doubts.
Loan Enquiry
People who are looking for loan enquiry will be able to submit loan enquiry form on agents portal and same loan enquiry will be shown in the agent panel so that agent can directlt get in touch with them for further process.
Offers Posting
By using this feature loan agents can attract to the borrowers by posting attractive loan offers, agnets can add multiple loan offers which will be shown to the borrowers on the front of website.
SEO Management
This feature enables agents to help their portal for search engine optimization, using this features agnets can add social links, google analytics, krywords, many more for their portal which will help for google crawling
Home Page
Get your own website for marketing and receiving loan leads, it is a dynamic website which can be managed from agent panel & it is also SEO friendly. SOme of the other features listed as below;
- Loan Enquiry form
- Loan Application form
- Loan Status Tracking
- Whatsapp Integration
- Offer Page, etc.
Loan Agent App
For agents on google play store android app is available, using which agent can manage all the loan leads, chat with borrowers, etc.